Sunday, 4 May 2014

T h e D a y

It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

Friday was one of those perfect moments, which could have so easily not have been. One model who is very pregnant, one who had a serious leg injury, a photographer who had to travel half the country to get there, and me, hoping for a break in some pretty grey weather...

And yet, in spite of the little glitches and possible trips, it came together like something out of a bedtime story, and the moment was simply splendid.

I came away truly thankful for some wonderful people, who, over the last few years, have come to be part of a very special place in life - where beauty, creativity and the sheer joy of enjoying the moment can be evidenced together, and where you can truly begin to appreciate the amazing splendor of such friends, as they employ themselves in something really meaningful and worthwhile. It was a beauty that 'spoke' so deeply, it once again affirmed just how marvelous people truly are.

Such charm and grace draws us to look at what is going on as such wonder unfolds - clouds part and light glitters upon the gentle ripples, as creation whispers how 'good' it all is. Yes, in spite of all the hurt in life (and there's been plenty this year), there is something amidst and beneath such moments that brings a warmth to these very special days, drawing us to glimpse a deeper hand weaving within our sharing of such bliss.

Beauty of this kind is like a garland of freshly woven, deeply scented flowers, adorning the neck of one we cannot help but adore, barely able to look in the eye, because we know such a view will melt us - there is a love and care so deep, so whole.

The day brought eager anticipation of further ventures, and I hope it will be so.
My thoughts relish and delight in the goodness of these gifts.


  1. I assume that the pictures here are photographic evidence of "those perfect moments..." :)

  2. They certainly allude to some of them, and were indeed taken on the day.
