Sunday, 14 December 2014

A seasonal thought...

Why do we make art, especially art that depicts the human figure? 
A piece I was reading recently put it well, especially in the light of the time of year: "God, in creating the greatest story ever, used a human figure, too: Christ. Begotten, not made, he took on flesh. He subjected himself to all the gross, worldly secularism with which I inevitably identify, and it’s around this man, this naked, bleeding man, that the coolest art of all revolves". L’Engle writes: “There is nothing so secular that it cannot be sacred, and that is one of the deepest messages of the Incarnation.”

It is because of this - that at the centre of our story is a God who comes to us as us - that we can truly marvel in the splendor of where we are and what we are... it is all a gift of astonishing grace, if we only have the eyes to see.

The Compliments of the Season to us all!