Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Passing Days

"For everything there is a purpose and a season, under heaven".  Solomon.

For my last entry here, I marked the completion of a decade behind the camera. It was truly a mile stone, not only because of what I've achieved in that time, but because, as always, times are changing....

In September the weather finally became more 'friendly' than it had been all summer, and I was able, through the support of another local photographer, to head back to Cornwall once again with the wonderful muses, Erin and Magenta. We headed to a superb north coast beach on Sunday, which was pretty busy when we arrived, and I found myself feeling moody - the conditions were not right, there were too many people around... Erin rightly chastised me for my mood, and we went on to produce some excellent work (thanks, Erin), but later, on reflection, I realized there had been more to my 'darkness' in that moment that just the immediate issues.

Over the last decade, I have had the great joy of working with a number of absolutely superb models, who have been as passionate and enthusiastic as myself about trudging out to the back of beyond to create something fresh and, hopefully, special. Over the last few years, Erin and Magenta have become the principal focus of such projects, and as we spent the September weekend together, a trace of melancholia was laced into our time, as we were aware that life was changing - Erin had recently married, and Magenta has done the same in the last few weeks. The time has come for these two wonderful ladies to begin to focus upon family, as had been the case with others over these past few years.

The changes that will ensue, I suspect, will quickly become palpable. Finding models of such quality and skill is a hard task, for whilst there are numerous 'general' photographic models, it takes particular skill to pose well unclothed for a camera, and to be as aware and as inter-active with another artist as Erin and Magenta have been is a treasure, to adapt Solomon, as rare as rubies and emeralds!

I hope there will be further opportunities to work with both of these super artists, and I owe them a huge debt of thanks for all of their hard work (especially with regards to putting up with me!) over the years.

It will certainly be interesting to see what life brings to us in the next chapter...