Sunday, 23 October 2011

Bringing it home.

"Then, with rejoicing, they entered, to partake of the tree of life...

and its fragrance shall be within their bones, and so shall they live upon the earth".

The book of Enoch 14:6.

Motherhood. With thanks to Mum and new arrival.

It's been a very different year. Due to the Financial turmoil of the times, my work with most models has had to be reduced greatly, but this has opened some unexpected opportunities to create art nudes in what might be termed a very 'down to earth' fashion.

The first came in the summer, just after the recovery of my Imac. A couple who had seen my work on-line wanted to know if I could create some fine art images for them in the spacious grounds of their North Devon garden, and I was happy to assist.

Fusion. Model: Tara

The results were satisfactory, and another shoot followed in September on a remote Cornish beach on a truly splendid day. The couple were so delighted with the results that they have produced their own personal book of the work.

This special opportunity was followed with another in the same month. A Cornish model who I had previously worked with had just had a new arrival, and asked if I would come to her home to take some natural images of herself and the new baby. I was delighted to do so, not only to renew my creative association with her, but to have the opportunity to be engaged in a truly wonderful moment - of capturing something so special in her and her child's life.

In both these cases, what was so clear was how delight of and enjoyment in the total natural beauty of the naked body was truly good and so natural - there was nothing demeaning about any of these endeavours. It made me realise afresh that it is within this sphere - within the bonds and splendour of everyday life, be it a mother with her child, or a husband and wife who have loved each other for many years - that the true source of renewing our attitudes to the wonder of our forms begins.


If we can learn, here, within the nurture of the love of our family and those closest to us, that the body is truly a wonder to be honoured and cherished, not in some contrived ascetic manner, but as a living temple of the One who made it good, then we can begin to encounter and know life and the world afresh.

I have been truly honoured in my time behind the lens, as so many of the subjects I have worked with have known or learned that it is when the natural delight in the beauty of the person is allowed to become the focus of a creative moment, that something truly worthwhile can be captured in a series of images. Just as fellowship with God and creation is truly about something crucially natural, the same is true, I hope, in my work in this field of art.
It is certainly a truth which we can at least seek to aim towards.

Model: Tara.

The Cornish coastal shoot:

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